31 August 2012

2012 W.D. Largent Reunion a Success

A family reunion blog should be mostly photos with a few comments, but I took far too few photos for that idea to work.  Ed McBride came through with his photos this week, so here's a late written blog supported by Ed's photos!

Rich and Brad cooking breakfast

More kitchen action: Penny Sue, Misty, John, and Brad

Misty did an Outstanding job planning, setting up, and keeping us all enjoying ourselves at the 2012 reunion.  Every time we saw Misty or Brad they were working!  Thanks for all you do for us Misty and Brad!

I arrived Friday afternoon just in time for the lesson on how to operate the newly refurbished carousel.  As soon as we had the part covering actual operation of the machine, I got lost.  Motion sickness was setting in.  Operating the carousel would be Lee Largent and his cousin, Brian's, job as they were relatively immune.  Troy Eldridge showed up for a late lesson Saturday, but after standing on the inside of the carousel for one round, he came up missing for the 2nd half of the lesson.  Motion sickness apparently runs on our side of the family.  The kids would have kept Lee and Brian running the thing full time, but eventually even they felt a bit nauseous, so the carousel didn't run the entire weekend.

The big kids enjoyed the carousel too though Barb tries hiding from the camera here


Ruby and her Great Uncle John enjoy the carousel

If the carousel was moving, Ruby was on it, having a great time. Dakota in the background

Was Great Uncle Lee's Safety Lecture that Bad?

The Creek provided entertainment for a "duck float" contest as well as as wading and splashing

Surely he's not throwing the baby in the creek?

The family watches to see whose duck wins the "duck race"

Family baseball was part of the action too.

Chelsea at the bat

Family Patriarch, John Largent, at the bat

Ronee Jo Pitching

"Next Reunion, I'll be on the field with the big kids"

Waiting for their supper?

Karen wins an award; Connie at her side

In Mike's absence, Steve wins the "Bald Head" award

Evening Campfires

Campfires demand Smores, don't they?

Camille and Marlee enjoy a quiet walk

Cleanup, and the Reunion is Nearly Over

Connie contemplating the end of the reunion

With the Sunday morning announcement that cleanup would begin right after breakfast, everyone seemed to disappear.  We didn't have a family business meeting (planning for the next reunion) and we missed family photos, so I'm glad Ed came through with all these. Here's a hot link to all Ed's photos, the few I took, and maybe someone else will contribute a few more?

I've learned to appreciate Sunday evening at the reunion.  It's usually just a few of us hold outs, but it gives me a chance to get some real visiting in with just a few relatives I rarely see.  This year a cross-state touring bicyclist showed up to join Penny Sue, Dave and me.

I thought I'd share this photo of the 1st cousins taken at the 1988 reunion also held in Republic
Back: Bill, Bill, Dan, Max, Steve
Front: John, Georgia, Karen, Connie, Alice, and Barbara


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