13 December 2010

Shirley Celebrates 75

Shirley's children threw her a 75th birthday party on Saturday, 11 December, at the Wilbur Golf Clubhouse. 75 people signed in, and a few skipped the sign-in. Ron was up from Colorado, but Lee was away coaching his wrestling team- making one child absent. All the Washington Grandchildren were there to help with the celebration. Misty's daughter, Chelsea, was ill, so Misty & Brad had to leave all too soon. There were lots of Marshall's, Shirley's family, there too. Joanne had put together a great slide show of Shirley's life which everyone enjoyed as we gathered to honor her. A snow storm arrived mid-party, and Andrea had traded cars with her father, Bud- leaving him to drive back to Odessa in the storm without a heater or defroster, but he did have a wet towel to wipe frost off the inside of the car window that dark snowing night. As heavy snow quickly blanketed the area Karen, who usually won't drive at night and never in a snow storm, decided to follow defroster-less Bud back to Odessa so she could spend the night with her grandchildren. When I drove the few blocks to Barb's, I was glad I wasn't driving farther and that Joanne was the driver up to her place those several miles north of town.

Barb, Lance, Joanne, Randy, Brittanee, and I watched rodeo on TV that evening. I don't know who disliked watching a bull smash a young cowboy more- Joanne or me, but the family cowboys seemed more accepting of it, and Barb may have even enjoyed tormenting Joanne just a bit!

The next morning Shirley's children got together at Shirley's where Lee had promised to cook my breakfast. Lee, I don't know what happened, but I would swear that was Barb in that kitchen, not you! At least I got to see Lee before returning to Boise.

Andrea visits with Shirley before trading her heaterless car to her father

Dave Desautel & Joanne

Three generations: Barb, Ronee Jo, and Tylee

Karen's back side, Bud, & Ron

Karen & Penny

The roads over the Blues on way up had been challenging for maybe 30 miles, but on the way back to Boise all the roads were dry. It was good to spend the weekend with relatives I don't see often enough!


John & Lois Celebrate Their September Wedding

John & Lois celebrated their September wedding with a reception at Potlatch's Log Inn on 16 October. The place has been remodeled- or maybe restored- since our last family function there, making it one big room with more of the log structure visible. John's children and grandchildren were all there- except Rick who wasn't feeling well. It was a chance for the rest of us to meet Lois' three children and her mother at a great party.John & Lois enjoy dancing, so after dinner we danced, talked, or both. My camera had battery issues, so I was hesitant to post this, but Lois came thru with some great shots!

John & Lois at their September Wedding

John & Lois at the reception

John & Sharon enjoy a dance

Three generations of Chandler women: Marjorie, Cary, & Lois

John and Hope Grasham (Lois' granddaughter)

Terry and Nancy hit the dance floor

Terry, Rick, Sharon, John, & Todd taken earlier the summer of '10

Lois' children taken earlier in the summer: Charlie Grasham, Cary Grasham Imeson, and James Grasham